We set off at 7:00AM, heading west on the Ambo road. We will pass the Gefursa reservoir, Menagesha Forest to the south of the road, the Holetta River (a tributary of the Awash), the small town of Addis Alem where Menelik II once planned to make his capital, before reaching Ambo, some 120 km from the capital.
The area between Addis Alem and Ambo contains the intersections of three of Ethiopia’s major river basins: those of the Awash, Omo and Guder.
We will stop for some refreshment in the town of Ambo, from where Ethiopia’s most famous mineral water is drawn, before driving up nearly 1000 meters in 27 km to the rim of the Wonchi crater, where visitors will see one of the most beautiful sites in Ethiopia verdant forests, a lake with islands, all within the crater. We leave our vehicles here and can ascend either on foot or on horse. We will have a picnic lunch here and spend some hours walking or horse riding through the forest, visiting the hot springs, and taking a dug out boat over to the island to visit the church. Mid afternoon we will start our journey back to Addis Ababa